Step into BIM
Unit 3 BIM Management
Topic 3C
BIM Documentation Case study
BREEAM - Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method - is the world's longest
established method of assessing, rating and certifying the sustainability of buildings.
As part of its commitments to the environment, German retailer LIDL wishes to build and renovate its
supermarkets and distribution centres to the BREEAM standard. This certification requires compliance with a
strict set of standards in terms of visual and acoustic comfort, indoor air quality, preservation of biodiversity,
choice of materials, energy, water, waste and transport management.
We will look at the example of LIDLs logistics platform in Baziège (France), where BIM was used to meet these
specific quality requirements. This logistics platform was subsequently awarded the highest level of BREEAM
certification (outstanding).
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Case study
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Case study
Construction of a 55,000 m² building with
- 5 standard storage halls of 32,671 m²
- 2 positive cold storage halls of 13,572 m²
- 1 negative cold storage hall of 5,134 m²
- technical rooms
- office area
Client: Lidl
Architect: Atelier M3
General contractor: Bouygues Bâtiment
Source :
Testimonies of people involved in the project in Baziège
were collected by the general contractor Bouygues
Construction in a YouTube video (in French), excerpts of
which are included in the following slides.
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Jérôme LOYWICK, BIM Manager, Bouygues Bâtiment Nord-Est
On this operation, we have made BIM an everyday tool for
everyone. It allows us to provide solutions to meet the high-quality
objectives and the tight deadlines. Indeed, we have 55,000 square
meters of logistics platform to build in 12 months. It was therefore
necessary to federate the players and partners around the virtual
We went further than in previous experiments, because BIM has
been used since the beginning of the project. Even the excavation
phase contributed to the digital model. And the client will continue
to use BIM, as the digital model will live on during the operation and
maintenance phase, after the projects handover.
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“One of Lidl's particular requests was to have technical pathways in
the cold room areas, in order to facilitate the work of the
maintenance technicians, so that they could work in optimal safety
and ergonomic conditions.
The BIM digital model helped to design these technical pathways”.
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Jérôme LOYWICK, BIM Manager, Bouygues Bâtiment Nord-Est
There are about a dozen participants in this operation who use the
BIM model. We have both big companies such as Engie Axima, which
has modelled its entire cooling system in 3D, and smaller companies,
local partners, such as Longages Menuiserie, which has modelled all
of its frames and provided us with them in IFC format to integrate
them into the overall digital model.
With these elements, twice a month, we hold coordination and
summary meetings with all the project participants.
This allows us to identify conflicts at a very early stage and to resolve
them before execution on site.
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Mohamed BOUAROUROU, Project manager, Engie Axima
“We have produced a digital model of the cooling system, which we
use daily, to know the routes and locations of the equipment, to
discuss with our site manager and our subcontractors, to have all
information (height of the pipes, cable routes, dimensions, …) for the
installation of the system and to order equipment accordingly.
BIM allows us to anticipate, to have a visualization of the platform with
the different technical trades and to avoid wasting time during the
assembly process on site. For us it's a beneficial gain: the difference is
clear compared to the other platforms we have built without BIM.”
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David MIRANDA, Project manager, Bouygues Bâtiment Sud-Est
“We work with a concrete supplier who has an advanced quality
process. Each part has a number and a QR code, which follow the
part from the calculation phase, once the design is complete, to the
installation phase. During the manufacturing process, there is a
control that is done on each phase of reinforcement, formwork and
concreting. This quality process is fully linked to BIM : by scanning
this QR code you can quickly find the part on the 3D model.
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Gilles Alletru, All Trades Manager, Bouygues Bâtiment Centre Sud-
“With the digital model, we can directly present the synthesis of the
premises, the samples and the final appearance to the client. This
enables us to gain in efficiency and speed of decision making. This
will also be reflected later, during the execution phase: we will
improve our quality and we can get it right first time.
Jérôme LOYWICK, BIM Manager, Bouygues Bâtiment Nord-Est
After completing the digital model with all the trades, we use a
virtual reality application that allows us to immerse ourselves in a
very realistic way inside the building. This allows the client to
anticipate choices and the future occupants to get to know the
building before delivery.
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Maxime LEMAIRE, Manager of technical trades, Bouygues Bâtiment
“One of my tasks is to check that the works carried out on site are in
line with the BIM model. Once the digital model is finished and any
conflicts are managed, I can visualise the digital model directly on
site using software on a tablet.
For example, for the low sprinkler, the software will allow me to
check the position of the collectors, the distance between the heads
or the altimetry of the antennas.
You could say that thanks to BIM, I have the entire site database at
my fingertips!”
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Ludovic LEGER, Technical Warehouse Manager CSO/ Rungis Lidl
“BIM provides us with additional information in relation to our
BREEAM outstanding approach.
At the end of the project, when the operator will have the BIM
model, by clicking on this or that component or machine, it will tell
them who made it, what the life cycle is, what maintenance needs to
be carried out…
It will make it easier to find information, rather than having to dig
through files and papers, which is tedious.
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Étienne Pataille, team leader in the Major Projects Construction
Department at LIDL France
The general contractor was the driving force behind the proposal to
model the project in BIM. It enabled us to approach the project with
greater anticipation and less stress thanks to the management of
subcontractors via the BIM platform (summary meetings, etc.). We
have also integrated this approach into our specifications for our
future projects. We could not do without BIM today!”
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Case study
Source : EGF.BTP, Conduite de projets en BIM Attentes clients et accompagnement par les entreprises générales”,
Used References
Bouygues Construction, Plateforme logistique pour LIDL Baziège (31),
Bouygues Construction, YouTube Video “Les usages du BIM pour la construction du Centre logistique Lidl Haute-Garonne”,
EGF.BTP, “ Conduite de projets en BIM Attentes clients et accompagnement par les entreprises générales,
BREEAM certification,